The Magic of Theatre…
Roy Chatfield, Playwright

Phantoms & Nightingales


4M 1F (Amerindian)

Click here for full cast details


The quarterdeck of The Destiny, 1619.


Raleigh is back in the New World. His orders are to bring back gold or face imprisonment, but his dream is Raleana – a protectorate free from cruelty and oppression. With him are Wat, his thuggish and headstrong son, Keymis, one time Oxford don and would be adventurer and Dick, anxious to make his name as a scientist. Their rescue of Yuisa, sole survivor of a Spanish massacre, brings their dreams face to face with reality.

Raleigh’s mixture of ambition, blundering good intentions and divorce from reality echo contemporary events.

Click here to read an extract

Staging Requirements

Practical ratlines.

Technical Requirements

Basic light and sound.

Running Time

Approx 100 mins


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